Thursday, September 12, 2013

Word Choice Olympics

  1. Joyous: As I stepped on the porch, I heard the delightful sound of my children laughing. I walked towards the door carefully, trying not to make a sound. After taking a deep, calming breath, I knocked on the door three times, very eager to see my family. "I'M HOME," I shouted as the door creaked open. I opened my arms, pulling my children into a tight hug. I opened my eyes to see my wife, smiling at me, and at that moment, I knew I was home.
  2. Intense: She raised the gun with her shaky hands, and stared directly to my eyes. "I told you not to trust me," she purred. I should have known better than to let a stranger come into my home, but then again, she was an attractive, beguiling snake. Come on, think straight, I thought to myself as I remembered that my life was in her hands.
  3. Nerve-wracking: The score was at a tie, and with our last chance to win, this moment became nerve-wracking. The crowd was silent as they anticipated to find out which team is taking the gold medal home. Before I knew it, the ball came towards me with full force. And at that moment, the world stopped. I knew that wherever this ball lands determines where our future goes. I ran towards the ball, feeling the sand between my toes. I jumped, then spiked the ball to the opposing team. The ball landed in a thud on their court. "We won. WE WON!" My teammate yelled. I couldn't believe it. I let out a shaky breath, and laughed. "Yeah, we did," I breathed out.
Frigid: I continued to walk, pulling my books closer to my chest. I knew someone, or something, was following me. The cold air and stillness of the trees compelled me to walk faster. You'll be fine, I thought to myself, but that thought soon seemed to be impossible when I heard and inhumane growl behind me. My skin prickled with fear as I turned around. It was black, resembled the looks of a wolf, and was almost as tall as a horse. It stared at me with its seemingly golden eyes. It growled at me again, looking hungrier by the second. I turned, and ran. I looked at the bridge and knew that it was a matter between life and death.

PessimisticJust a bit longer. Just a bit longer, and it'll all be over. I never wanted to have this birthday party in the first place. I'm thirteen years old; birthday parties are for children. My mom just had to call everyone from my class and invite them over for a "celebration". I don't consider this a celebration if I'm not having any fun. Shaking my legs and fidgeting with my hands, I get antsy for this cursed party to end.

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