Thursday, September 19, 2013

College Prompt Essay Final Draft

If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I loved the sciences. I would consider it as my passion; I need science in my life. It's been, and still is, a big part of my life, from my extreme amount of science books, to it being my favorite subject. Most people consider me weird, a know-it-all even, because of my unecessarily excessive knowledge of things most people don't know about. I always need an answer to everything; if someone states a fact, I automatically need reasoning. Even today, my parents still have to endure my constant questions about anything, from how the world works, to things even my parents can't give me an answer to. Since I was a child, I've always been known to be the curious one, the one to ask, "Why?" or How?" And I still continue to be that person. My obsessive need to know everything about everything still runs through me, and although it may be a bad thing sometimes, I consider it to be a good characteristic.
Growing up with both parents working in the medical field, their time was almost always consumed by work. However, my parents had always bought me books, and that was enough to distract me from complaining about how little I saw them. I often spent my time reading scary stories and question-and-answer books. But I soon grew to love science books in particular. Occasionally, when I got sick of my science books, I would peek through my parents’ medical books. As I looked at all of the injuries and disorders, I knew one thing I was sure of: I was never going into the medical field. However a few observations and an open mind changed my opinions drastically.
My parents were always considered as the people to go to when they needed the support. Whenever relatives or family friends had problems at home, or even high blood pressure, they would ask my parents for advice. And I really liked that. I wanted to become the person everyone goes to for support. I wanted to help people, to know that I’ve changed someone’s life. And before I knew it, I was looking through jobs in the medical field. The medical field created a big impact in my life. Thinking about it now, it’s impossible to love science and hate the medical field, but I did, and I don’t regret it. But being in the medical field satisfies not only my need for science, but my need to help people as well.

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