Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Revision Process

My blog is based on the quote, "Sic Itur Ad Astra," or, "Thus, you shall go to the stars." This phrase comes from book IV of Aeneid, a Latin poem written by Virgil. Originally, the phrase means, "thus is immortality gained," however I see it as a way of gaining hope for the future. Stars symbolize many things: hopes, wishes, success, the list goes on. In this particular phrase, however, I think that the stars are my dreams. This phrase, to me, is encouraging because it shows me that as I'm growing older, I'm getting closer and closer to those stars.
Other changes include a new background, color palette, and header. I really jumped onto the whole, "stars," theme, and if you notice the girl at the bottom of the picture, I felt that she suited the feel of the theme itself. Also, if you look onto your right side, you'll find the archive, which goes from the newest to the oldest posts.


  1. I love your header so much, holy crap you're so cute.

  2. I liked how you took a quote from another language and applying it to your self. The quote stands out in you blog and your header shows your graphic skills
