Monday, August 19, 2013

Coming of Age Essay: Draft

Tap, tap, tap. I couldn't stop fidgeting as my family and I sat in the waiting room. One part of me was extremely excited in finding out whether I had a brother or sister, and the other, not so much. I've always been a daddy's girl, and hated the idea of having to share my dad's attention. "Amalia Maestro?" the receptionist called. I stood up and walked as slowly as I could, being the last person to walk into the room. Here we go, I thought to myself as the doctor walked in.

After about twenty minutes, the doctor was able to get a clear picture of my sibling. "It looks like it's a girl!" she gushed. And at that moment, every pair of eyes were on me. I couldn't exactly be angry with anyone, obviously, because I have no control over the gender of the baby, so, being the amazing child I am, I smiled and went along with the conversation. There was nothing wrong with having a sister. But I've always been the favorite to my dad, and I was afraid that the title would go to her.

I tried to remain positive over the next few months, And one morning, I walked into my living room and found out that my mom was giving birth, so I spent a night with my grandmother and cousins. The next day, my brother, cousin, and I visited the hospital, and when I walked into the room, I, at first, saw my mom, who looked extremely tired, carrying my baby sister. I reached out to take her in my arms, and at first I was extremely scared of dropping her, so I quickly sat down, and I knew, it wasn't going to be as horrible as I thought.

The night Sophia was born was an extremely nerve-wracking night for me. I couldn't stop imagining the changes she would make in the family, but I soon found out that those changes were positive. She created  moments that tied the family closer together. And as Sophia grew older, I'll admit, we did have our horrible moments. I mean, what do you expect from a crazed 2-year-old? But, she and I eventually became very close to each other. I even think it's safe to say that she likes me more than my brother.

What did I learn from all this? Well, first of all, not everything is as it seems. I learned to be much more open minded to changes. No to mention, more older-sister instincts kicked in. I became a wiser, more responsible person, and I could say that it's all thanks to my sister. She was a huge change to my life. Oh, and she prefers my mom over my dad, so, I still remain the apple of my dad's eye, and everyone is happy, I mean, except for my brother, who now has to vie for the attention of my mother.


  1. Good start, try to elaborate more on why you had so many mixed emotions before you got your sister. Try to incorporate more of what you were thinking and learned throughout the entire process and not just save it for the last paragraph. MS(3)

  2. Your essay is writen really well. I like how you incorporated how anxious you were but you could put more emotions into the essay. Other than that its really good
