Friday, September 14, 2012

Querencia Brainstorm

My special place is my grandmother's garden in the Philippines. I would always sit in the garden whenever I needed a breath or two, or when I just needed to think to myself. My family and I don't visit as often as we used too, so it's a very special place to me. Sunbeams hit spots of the garden that wasn’t hidden by trees that surrounded it, there were different fruits and vegetables, bushes with little specks of red, pink, and white flowers, and right in the middle of the garden was a hammock that my grandmother had bought for me as a welcome-home present. Above me were the highest points of a tree, with little fuits peeking through the leaves, and the cloudless sky. The garden was my quiet place, where I could read, write, and just think.

1 comment:

  1. I understand how the garden looks like but you need to tell me what is special about it, explain more about why it makes you clam. Also you need to put what it smells like,feels like, and sounds like.
